I feel grateful

If I didn’t move to California in 2023, I’d probably be hiding somewhere.

Instead, I get to occupy a spot, a slot, a place in the lineup. With people I had never met before. With friends I just made who think I’m rad.

These photos I take with other comedians … there would have been no Terry Bu. I would have been a ghost. hiding somewhere. Like I had hidden away for many years. I would have been invisible. Not in LA for sure.

For me to be here. With these people. Fellow comics. And meet new people and deepen friendships with existing people. Everyday feels like a privilege. A real joy.

The kind of joy I had always escaped from … I had never really known before in my life.

The joy I can give out on stage is only as much as the joy I have within myself :)

My ability to exude Joy and Happiness and Fun and Empathy out into the world is amplified by my ability to harness joy, happiness, fun and empathy within myself. Not only amplified, but made possible only through my ability to be happy in myself. 

To feel happy about myself, to feel joyous about who I am, what I achieved and what I do … To have fun with genuine things deep inside my soul that inspires curiosity … and to feel love and empathy for myself and for everybody else … first …

and then stepping on the stage becomes really natural and easy from that. 

Then you are not on stage to get validation from laughter and prove something about yourself, that you are funny.

Instead, you get on stage to give gifts to people. Share with people. All the joy you have within yourself to make people smile. And you don’t need them to laugh back. You just give out your gift freely. And sometimes they laugh, sometimes they don’t. It doesn’t matter. You are there to do your duty as a comedian to give out your joy. share your joy.

Putting myself out there is scary! But we must have the courage to be disliked and misunderstood LOL :) …

I have nothing to lose. Sing in public. Do Roxy Hart in public. Authentic self-expression to the core. Who knows if I will be this healthy again? Will be this spiritual again? This young and 35 again? The answer is never. I put myself out there, despite all the odds, and see if I can make an impact in my small way before my death … which is inevitable. Tell jokes to the public. Especially the controversial ones. That’s who I truly am. How I learned from Bill Hicks, George Carlin … that’s the way they did it. And Bill will always be with me, as long as I do my comedy and art with love and truth … not as an attempt to offend or just create controversy for the sake of starting a fight.